Weave 3.3 is shaping up!

Weave 3.3 has proven stable and is now the "stable" download. The new update is 3.3a which adds more functionality than has been added to Weave in a long time. It still could need some bugs worked out but has been tested substantially and WEAVEDMO updated to reflect the new features.

2/16/2024: Weave 3.3


* COUNTER.PAS merged from PR #14 refactors counter usage.

* PGET <dir>, a companion to #pset, is added, allowing players to substitute a value from the stat or tile located at <dir>.

* Added the UNDER direction which works with #put, #write, #color, #if color, #if detect, and PGET, and targets the tile underneath a stat if a stat is present, or the tile itself if no stat is present.

* The player's attributes can be updated with #change e.g. #change player red dkblue player; #change player player restores the player to the defaults set in the .CFG file.

* FILENAME.CFG values that begin with OTHER and THEME are now modifiable in-game.

* negative ZAP and RESTORE counts (e.g. #ZAP label -1) will zap and restore labels back to front, starting with the last label on the list and going up from there.


* #quicksave and #quickload are renamed to #savegame and #loadgame, and calling them without a filename opens a dialog. STANDARD is no longer a special case.

* Default max stats increased to 254 instead of 150.


Weave3.3a.zip 9 MB
71 days ago

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